Mohair Centre Training
The Next Group starts: Saturday 8th February 2025 10-3.
Further dates:
Saturday 1st March
Sunday 2nd March
Saturday 8th March
Saturday 22nd March
Saturday 29th March
Saturday 7th June
Saturday 14th June
Saturday 15th June
Not only do we encourage all our staff to become Forest School trained but we also train adults to become Forest Leaders
The Forest School Ethos

Mohair Centre Training
Forest School is a unique educational experience and process that offers children the opportunity to succeed and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland environment.
Children engage in motivating and achievable tasks and activities throughout the year and in almost all weathers. Children will work with tools, play, learn boundaries of behaviour; both physical and social, grow in confidence, self-esteem and motivation whilst developing an understanding of the natural world.
The Forest School concept originates in Denmark, originally aimed at pre-school children, where it was found that children who had attended forest school then arrived at school with strong social and communication skills, having the ability to work in groups effectively, generally had high self-esteem and a confidence in their own abilities. These foundations helped them to raise their academic achievements.
A Forest School encourages children to:
- develop personal and social skills
- work through practical problems and challenges
- use tools to create, build or manage
- discover how they learn best
- pursue knowledge that interests them
- learn how to manage failures
- build confidence in decision making and evaluating risk
- develop practical skills
- understand the benefits of a balanced and healthy lifestyle
- explore connections between humans, wildlife and the earth
- regularly experience achievement and success
- reflect on learning and experiences
- develop their language and communication skills
- improve physical motor skills
- become more motivated
- improve their concentration skills
The Three Different Levels
NOCN Level 3 Certificate for Forest School Leaders Level 3 is designed to qualify the learner to become a Forest School Leader, able to set up and run a Forest School programme. This covers how to facilitate groups in a learner-centred way, and how to manage a Forest School site sustainably. It also covers the practical skills required of a Forest School practitioner as well as the theory behind Forest School practice. Learners may typically be nursery, school and college staff, teachers, teaching assistants or youth workers. This involves 7 teaching days. A practical part of the assessment is that you run 6 consecutive sessions with a group of children / adults, and you provide the evidence of competence in the workplace. There will be 2 practical assessment days at the end to assess your practical skills (tool-use, knots, fires, creating shelters and cooking outside), away from your Forest School Clients.

NOCN Level 2 Award for Forest School Assistants Level 2 is designed to qualify a learner to become a Forest School assistant, enabling them to take a proactive role in helping a Forest School practitioner plan and deliver a Forest School programme and supporting the learners. Learners may typically be school and college staff, youth workers, parent helpers and students.
Level 1 Team-building/Team Training Forest School Ideal for whole teams who are developing a Forest School Programme with a qualified Level 3 Forest School Leader in training.
Mohair Centre, Brickfield Farm, Lewes Rd, Lewes, East Sussex BN86JG
Tutors & Assessors
Jacky Webb & Pam Perry
Cost Level 3: £850 (Paid in advance), or £900 (£500 in advance + 4 monthly payments of £100 paid by standing order)
Cost Level 2: £550 (Paid in advance), or £600 (£300 in advance, followed by 3 monthly payments £100 paid by standing order)
Cost Level 1 & or Team-training / Teambuilding - £200 per 10 persons, £15 per person if more than 10
Contact for more information
Jacky on 07885 362008

Download The Forest School Training Leaflet
What is the difference between the different levels of certificates in Forest School Training?
Registration Form